Donald Trump’s emcee alter ego aka Toupe Fiasco is back with his new single “Stupidstar” He stepped away from the mic for a while to do some really really terrific things but with the presidential campaign in full gear he thought it was time to do the something even more terrific. Rhyme. So now, Toupe …

Mike Scala (Pizon) to Broadcast Congressional Campaign Announcement Online November 1st
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 29, 2011 Queens son Mike Scala announced his campaign to seek the Democratic nomination to represent New York’s 6th district in Congress. Family and friends attended the announcement at Once Upon A Time in Jamaica, Queens. On Tuesday, November 1, 2011, the Scala for Congress campaign will broadcast that announcement online …

Timid and Author/University Professor Unite To Help College Graduates
Timid and Author/University Professor Unite To Help College Graduates FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY HeadNodMusic With “I Want The Secret”, Timid addresses the dire situation recent and soon to be college graduates face everyday. Rising tuition costs, mounting debt and a bleak job market await their future. The problem is a major concern of the Occupy …

Timid and Philly’s Jalima Shani forecast the coming of “The Rain”
DOWNLOAD: Timid featuring Jalima Shani – “The Rain” “The Rain” joins Timid and Philadelphia femcee Jalima Shani together under the umbrella of societal and cultural reflection. French producer Rec lays the foundation and Japan based Taz of OnMugen blends the mix for the duo’s verbal expression. Timid takes a first person approach to personal struggles …

Family Business Now Available On AmieStreet
The Fam’s Album Family Business Now Available On AmieStreet FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY Head Nod Music Already available on major online retailers such as iTunes,, Rhapsody, The Fam’s full length debut release, Family Business, has now come to the community driven online retailer, The lead single “Dreams Come True” achieved …

Timid and Pizon return to perform at the 2009 ING New York City Marathon Show
Timid and Pizon return once again to perform for the runners and the public at the 2009 ING New York City Marathon Show. This years stage along the marathon route will be located at 115th Street & 1st Avenue, Harlem, NY 10029. Other performers include Willie Spade and hosted by SBS Entertainment and Akademy. Show …

Mikey D featuring Timid – “Chosen One”
Mikey D featuring Timid – “Chosen One” DOWNLOAD: Clean | Dirty Queens New York Hip Hop Icon Mikey D returns with “Chosen One”, a message to the world and to self that he is back. Mikey D’s credentials are solidified. Hip Hop knows the former Reality Records and Sleeping Bag Records artist, the young gunner …

Timid is a featured artist at Utica Music & Arts Festival
Timid is a featured artist at Utica Music & Arts Festival September 10-12, 2009 The Utica Music & Arts Fest, in its second year, will take place September 10-12, 2009 at a number of venues around the Mohawk Valley. This event, organized as a forum for unsigned musicians and artists, also raises awareness of …

Single “Over Everything” by Amazing Race Asia 2’s Sawaka Kawashima Available at iTunes Worldwide
SAWAKA KAWASHIMA Over Everything “Over Everything” is the first solo single of more to come from the multi-talented Sawaka Kawashima. This piano laden pop balled is a longing heart’s voice for love Over Everything else to fulfill its desire. About Sawaka Kawashima Japan born, Mexico raised and MIT Graduate, Sawaka Kawashima is most known for …